Nashville Cancels July 4 Fireworks Show as City Reverts to Phase Two of its COVID-19 Plan


Citing an increase in COVID-19 cases, Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced Thursday that the city will go back to the second of its four-phased rollout to reopen the city.

Nashville will formally go from Phase Three back to Phase Two on Friday. The city will remain in Phase Two for the next several weeks, Cooper said at a press conference Thursday.

“Today’s new confirmed case count is 608, a record daily high for Davidson County. This means we have to respond as a community to get us back on track,” Cooper said, adding he had to give more bad news.

“Now, it is clear that adding any public health risk is inappropriate for Nashville at this time, so we have directed the Nashville Convention and Visitors Corporation to cancel its fireworks display on Saturday evening.”

Many socially-driven businesses and activities that opened in Phase Three will now have to temporarily close, including event and entertainment venues. Nashville’s limit on gathering size is now 25. Restaurants will move back from 75 percent capacity to 50 percent capacity, as permitted in Phase One, Cooper said.

“It’s worth noting that Nashville’s rate of confirmed cases did decline, while bars and restaurants operated at 50 percent capacity in May,” Cooper said.

“Metro Parks facilities, opened in Phase Three, will remain open, including dog parks, skate parks, basketball courts, and playgrounds. And recreational leagues and pools will still be permitted, as outbreaks have not been traced back to these venues or activities.”

Additionally, all bars in Davidson County, known as limited-service restaurants that derive the majority of their revenue from alcohol sales, will close for a minimum of 14 days beginning Friday, Cooper said.

“Our public health investigators have found a record number of clusters originating from bars within the past week, which have affected employees, patrons, and musicians. Multiple bars in the downtown and mid-town neighborhoods have recently closed because of outbreaks among their staff and patrons,” Cooper said.

“Every decision related to our phased economic reopening has been made with unanimity among our public health experts. Including these announced this morning.”

As The Tennessee Star reported this month, Meharry Medical College President James Hildreth said people in Nashville who attended any of the recent rallies honoring George Floyd are at risk of catching COVID-19.

“When you have thousands of people in close proximity to each other with a virus that has a prevalence somewhere between 1 percent and 5 percent, many people not wearing masks, yelling at the top of their lungs, creating aerosols, there is a great possibility that someone who came to the rally without the virus is going to leave the rally with the virus,” Hildreth said at the time.

Oh Thursday, however, Cooper said that, despite the additional restrictions on the public, he could not prohibit any more demonstrations.

“We certainly want them [the demonstrators] to wear masks. We certainly want them to walk with their arms outstretched so they’re more than six feet apart. Historically, demonstrations, in terms of contact tracing, have not led to an outbreak,” Cooper said.

“What leads to an outbreak is if you are indoors, close to each other, breathing on each other without a mask. You will spread the disease. We are trying to de-concentrate those at-risk situations and encourage the public to help us to do that.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].

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15 Thoughts to “Nashville Cancels July 4 Fireworks Show as City Reverts to Phase Two of its COVID-19 Plan”

  1. akaMOTU

    So, a PRO American event is “dangerous”, but an ANTI American gathering of thousands is perfectly okay! What else would you expect from Jim Cooper’s brother…

  2. This is totally ridiculous that Mayor Cooper Thursday went back to phase 2 for restaurants and all bars closed for fourteen days and the Fourth of July celebration and fireworks canceled yet will allow another BLM protest tomorrow by the same teenagers, that supposedly, organized the last one where 10-20,000 protesters were allowed to march thru Nashville elbow to elbow. Cooper’s got to the removed asap!

  3. MAGA

    It’s amazing that 10’s of thousands show up for the fireworks and only a handful are arrested for public intoxication. Only a couple of hundred AntiFa show up and they try to burn the city down. Hmmm?

  4. rick

    Cooper and the Metro Health Dept are manipulating numbers, political perverts. Cooper is a jackass!

  5. Sim

    You can’t any branch of Government to be truthful about anything today.

    Here is what The Atlantic reported,

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is conflating the results of two different types of coronavirus tests, distorting several important metrics and providing the country with an inaccurate picture of the state of the pandemic. We’ve learned that the CDC is making, at best, a debilitating mistake: combining test results that diagnose current coronavirus infections with test results that measure whether someone has ever had the virus. The upshot is that the government’s disease-fighting agency is overstating the country’s ability to test people who are sick with COVID-19. The agency confirmed to The Atlantic on Wednesday that it is mixing the results of viral and antibody tests, even though the two tests reveal different information and are used for different reasons.

    This is not merely a technical error. States have set quantitative guidelines for reopening their economies based on these flawed data points.

    Several states—including Pennsylvania, the site of one of the country’s largest outbreaks, as well as Texas, Georgia, and Vermont—are blending the data in the same way. Virginia likewise mixed viral and antibody test results until last week, but it reversed course and the governor apologized for the practice after it was covered by the Richmond Times-Dispatch and The Atlantic. Maine similarly separated its data on Wednesday; Vermont authorities claimed they didn’t even know they were doing this.

    TL;DR: The are combing data of positive tests with those who test positive to have ever had it.

    This is co-mingling of data is leading to a massive disaster and some states not being able to fully open back up or even causing some to pull back on the reigns as they have already reopened.

  6. Wolf Woman

    Hiz honor, along with all the other socialist sympathizers, including the CDC, doesn’t seem to get the fact that the majority of people should be infected with the virus. That’s how we attain “herd immunity” and the virus weakens. The numbers to look at are how many died, what ages they were and how their health was.

    The media and the Left have done what they’re good at – creating a mountain out of a molehill. What I can’t believe is that so many people have caught this hysteria virus.

  7. Kevin

    A recent survey was taken of Nashville citizens on how to fix the problems in Nashville’s City Hall, here are the top 5 answers
    #5 -Place giant “sticky traps” at every door, wait until the sun goes down, discard when full,
    #4 – Paint City Hall with white porcelain paint, ask the Army Corp of Engineers for an encore of their 2010 performance, place a giant “Cooper Scooper” downstream, and the river will do the rest,
    #3 – Release 100,00 newly hatched, dung beetles,
    #2 – Complete the recall process of Mayor Cooper and replace him with somebody with a brain, a heart and a soul!
    #1 – Sell everything, and get out as fast as you can, no matter what you try you can’t fix enough of the stupid citizens who love living in the ##IT city.

  8. Julie

    So you can wear masks and socially distance to protest but not to celebrate independence day? That makes sense if you believe the people are subservient to politicians and to the public health experts who have lost their credibility.

  9. rick

    Its good to be King – until the recall happens. No comment from Mayor Napoleon Chicken Coop Cooper he was at a large protest soon to be riot where no one was wearing mask! Then he was going to meet with Bob Mendes, Mr Tax and Spend, to work on raising your property taxes 34%. What a hard working mayor we have.

  10. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    Land of the Free, Home of the Brave? Hilarious.

  11. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    History redux. ‘The siege lasted 47 days (on Vicksburg), until the city and its Confederate defenders were at last starved into submission. The Confederate commander, Gen. John C. Pemberton, surrendered on July 4, 1863. So bitter were the feelings and memories of the people of Vicksburg afterward that they did not officially observe the Independence Day holiday for the next 81 years (not returning to its observance until 1945).’

  12. Karl Marx would be proud of a John Cooper

    Nashville has the most UN-AMERICAN and UN-PATRIOTIC Mayor in the Country. Naturally as we do more COVID-19 testing we are going to get more cases. The Mayor and Board of Health need to take an IQ test we should see spike in “MORONS”. Is the a Metro police going to issue tickets to those not wearing a Mask at this weekend protest or would that be labeled as racists. Many People plan their Fourth of July around fireworks and the celebration of American Independent of the United States and the right to Pursue their dreams in freedom. They dream of truth, justice and the American way not some liberal mayor ideal of socialism, forced styles of dress (masks) and the promotion of evil over justice.

  13. Mary

    Still feel free?

  14. Pissed Off Nashvillian

    Oh well, we can’t afford it anyway.

    1. 83ragtop50

      I would assume that the cancelation does not free the city from paying for what was contracted. In other words, the money has been spent and no one other than the fireworks contractor benefits. Sounds like typical Cooper/Nashville logic.
